I had an e-mail a couple of weeks ago from Sally from Making Gifts Magazine:-
http://www.emagmaker.co.uk/publications/making-gifts/2010/december. It’s an online magazine, so I haven't quite made it too the giddy heights of WH Smith yet, but it's a step in the right direction! Sally asked if I would like to submit two of my projects for publication. At first I was reluctant but she is a persistent lady and I relented. She was interested in my beer mat calendar:-
http://itsallfiddlefart.blogspot.com/2010/08/coasterbeer-mat-desk-calendar.html and my Old Crock Recycled Cake Stand http://itsallfiddlefart.blogspot.com/2010/10/old-crock-recycled-cake-stand.html.
I would say go and have a look but obviously there is a charge of £1.95 for the issue.…… though if you register on the site you can read the first three editions free:-
http://www.emagmaker.co.uk/publications/free) ….. but I thought that it was a bit of exciting news I would like to share with you.