Saturday, 15 September 2012

Dishcloths Abound

Last year I lost count of the dishcloths I knitted for Christmas … but I am at it again because they were so popular people have asked if I would knit them another one, two, three or four more for this year!
Knitted dish clothsI use UK size 4 knitting needles (6mm or US 10) casting on 37 stitches and working 9 inches in garter stitch (knit every row) and can usually knit one per night. The price of the dish cloth cotton varies considerably, in Wolverhampton it costs about £2.79, but the best price I have found is from B G Payne where the natural coloured yarn costs £1.39 for 100grams and £1.79 for the white.  I can usually get about three cloths from one ball. I have just received my order of ten balls, so that’s my nights sorted for quite a while, but stops me from nibbling, so it can’t be all bad!