Saturday, 8 July 2017

Craft Sticks – A Bit of a Shout Out

I am really into projects using craft sticks at the moment, mainly tags and tree decorations, but who knew that they come in so many bewildering sizes!
craft sticksI only discovered this fact when I ran out of, what I would call my half size ones, I thought I would be able to just pick up another couple of packets from e-bay, how wrong I was!  After much searching, I did make a considered purchase, but imagine my surprise when my order arrived only to reveal a bag of even smaller sticks ….. I don’t think measuring has ever been one of my strong points.
Now, I am really thrilled with what I got (bottom sticks in picture), with another batch of ideas forming in my head as these are quite dainty!  But, I still need some more of the half size ones.  I didn’t buy them that long ago, and I thought they were from Hobbycraft, but can’t find them on the website so I could be mistaken(?)
It’s really flummoxed me!  In the end I have resorted to Amazon and the US to source them, I think they are a pretty close match in size, but I will have to see when they arrive.
So, what I am asking is …….. if you see any on your crafty travels could you give me a heads up please!