…… it may have taken me 14 months but I have never given up!
Though firmly stuck down the pirates arms can still be moved, so to add an extra dimension I have put dangly bits (if you’ll pardon the expression) in their hands and the crab with its wibbly wobbly legs guards a precious gem.
With the pirates, compasses, maps and large gems in place I could then drape the broken pearl and chains necklaces round them ……….
……. and then fill the smaller gaps with smaller gems and pirate cabochons.
The only thing I wished I’d done was colour/spray the compass bodies gold before they were stuck down, trying to do it on a finished mirror was fiddly to say the least.
And now it is done and dusted in a yo ho ho bottle of rum type way …… it just needs to be bubble wrapped carefully until Christmas then it can be hung in Bertie’s bedroom. I will put a special message on the back for him and hope that one day it might become an heirloom or at least a memory of mad, always fiddle farting mad Nanny Nell ……….