Where on earth has this school year gone, to have me thinking about end of term presents? A time when I like to send in a little something from Nanny, just to say “thank you” to all the staff in his class, the lunchtime supervisors and Breakfast Club staff for everything they have done for him over the past year.
So, taking the little fella’s love for all things Chinese, (goodness only where he’s got that from), I decided to reflect it in these wish bracelets.
These double sided, 15mm x 11mm Chinese Cat Charms have some weight to them and cost £2.89 for 20 (so working out at approx. 24p each) from eBay.
I simply threaded the charms onto some waxed, red cord in long enough lengths so that they can be tied on to a wrist.
I then went about looking for a suitable wish bracelet poem that I could alter slightly to fit the theme, I think it flows pretty OK? I did this on Publisher and used DaleFont, size 16. Once happy, I printed a sheet of poem cards, cut them out and under the heading put small holes on either side to put the cord through.
To keep things tidy, I stuck the threads down on the back of the poem card with a white label and then put piece of card the same size in front of it in the cellophane packet, so everything was hidden and professional looking.
When the time gets nearer I’ll pop the bracelet in a bag with one of the Chinese Lucky Cat badges I posted a few weeks ago, along with a fortune cookie and perhaps a small wand of bubbles.