Monday 31 August 2009

A Wedding Card

This is a wedding card I made recently for a friend.  I love looking at Digi Scrapping sites but have used the images in my cards rather than in a scrapbook.
The newspaper is a template I made and have used it for all sorts of occasions.  A lot of people ask me to make a card that includes personal details and a newspaper format is just perfect for that.
Using the template, I have selected colours to suit the occasion, added the details given to me and then pasted  the bride and groom and glasses from a digi set from Graphics ©Scrappin Doodles
I print another copy of the bride and groom and the “exclusive” panel, cutting them out to use as a very basic “decoupage” layer using sticky pads to hold in place.
To complete the card, I add iridescent micro glitter to the glasses and Anita's 3D Clear Gloss finish on the eyes, bow tie and flowers for an extra 3D effect.


  1. The card is so cute! You make incredidle cards.How do you make them? And do you sell your stuff?

  2. I make a big box of general cards several times a year, in which I try to cover as many themes as I can, and leave it in the staffroom at work. People can the dip into the box as and when. It's very useful for forgotten birthdays!

    People grumble that I don't make enough mens cards, mainly because I don't like making them because I like pretty things!

    I do take orders, which I make at the weekend , these are larger, approx A5 size and take more time and thought, but people know that what I make them is a total one off.

    I always ask about the persons hobbies, tastes and interests and work from there. I have to admit that sometimes what I make is not entirely to my taste, but "touch wood" no one has ever been unhappy with what I have made for them.

    I always have a full order book, my loyal customers send me a long list of cards that I can work through during the year to avoid the disappointment of me saying I can't fit a card in.

  3. I've enjoyed browsing your blog -your new-ness to it doesn't show at all! And as for fiddle fart - I am SO in that club!!


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Occasionally I get comments on posts from several years ago, again, I have to apologise, copies of TEMPLATES etc. that I once offered are now NO LONGER AVAILABLE, when my last computer died, I lost everything and decided not to replace any them.