Tuesday 8 September 2009

Can I Bribe You With Some Blog Candy?

I have had almost 1,000 visitors to my blog since I started it just over three weeks ago..... I am so excited!  I would love to make that magic number in the next day or so ...... if you would like to help me get there, please leave a comment on this post and I will find some Christmas Blog Candy for one, randomly picked, commentor!


  1. would love to win your blog candy, loving all your designs, might have to get you to do me a wedding album for my wedding next year!

  2. THat Weddung Book is such a great idea ... bet the brides love it.

    Wow ...so many visitors ... I wish you luck with your 1000 ... maybe I should have put a counter on mine ?? ... it would have been interesting but I doubt I would have had so many ...even now lol

  3. Hi
    I came on your blog initially to check out Christmas presents to make - and also found the mini advent calendars - they're super. I've added you tomy faves.

  4. There are so many lovely things on your blog, every one of them a work of art.
    PS, don't listen to your sister!

  5. Love your work and this blog its no wonder that you are stacking up all the hits. I would love some candy - please! x x

  6. Hi,

    Love the wedding book, absolutely fab. Congratulations on receiving nearly 1,000 hits. Thanks for the opportunity to win some xmas candy.

  7. i love your blog! i like the sat nav card - its clever! good luck with the 1000 visits!

  8. Wow! It's taken me nearly a year to get that many hits - well done you! Must be your creativity and wicked sense of humour!! xxx

  9. Your blog is fab. I love your christmas projects. I hope you don't mind but I have added a link from my blog to yours.

  10. Wow thats a lot of visitors in such a short space of time.
    Really loving the ideas on your blog
    Did you make the cork pin board - just wondered cos I have one in my kitchen which I made


  11. Yes, I love my cork pin boards, my husband made them for me.

  12. Congratulations on so many hits. I will definately will keeping an eye on all your lovely bits.

  13. I only just found your blog - it's fab. And I'd love to win the blog candy!

  14. Just found your blog, love your ideas for crafty gifts:)

  15. Lovin all your handmade gifts - fabby !

  16. Just found your blog and its fantastic. Full of quick little ideas for gifts I love it. Its right up my street. Keep the ideas coming. x I will be following. x

  17. I'm sure I'm too late for this, but I just found your blog today from UKScrappers. It's brilliant, I'm not surprised you've had so many visitors! Will be back to check out more of your lovely creations :)

  18. You have some truly beautiful things on your blog. You must be really proud - I wish some of my things looked this good!!


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