Monday 14 September 2009

Work in Progress ………………

This is a prototype of the card I am going to send each of the girls in the offices where I work!
But not with this rather glum models face ….. because I have managed take all the girls pictures, without them suspecting a thing!
It still needs a lot of fine tuning, but I thought I would share my first attempt with you.
After photographing it, I realised my first mistake was the flatness of the face, it should have a couple of sticky pads behind it, so that it stands proud of the body, or better still, I could make a springy device so that the head wobbles……… I also think I need to twiddle with the proportion of the head to the body (more fiddle fart).
The dress is an embellishment I bought ages ago, but I am pretty sure they are still available on e-bay. All I’ve done is add a few black adhesives gems
I think further improvements can be made by cutting the boots out in vinyl on my quickutz silhouette and adding fluff to the white band on the hat ….. and I’m not sure about the writing, but the basics are there.
When I have got it “right” I will post it again.


  1. LOL thats so funny, what a fab idea, will make great cards for Christmas.

  2. Well, there's one card that won't end up in the recycle bin, its so cute and fun too!

  3. What a brilliant idea - personalised cards are fab, they'll love them!

    I can't wait to see the finished article.


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