Tuesday 7 December 2010

Giant Humbug Carton - Most Wanted Christmas DIY Challenge

Picture 077

I've entered this is the Most Wanted Christmas DIY Challenge http://www.vouchercodes.co.uk/
This is another idea I used last year and thought I would post again, but this time offering a A4 pdf file of the humbug striped paper (below) that I have designed  for it this year.  If you would like the file please e-mail me nellxxxx@aol.com and I'll send it to you as soon as I can. It looks really good when printed on a light brown/beige paper.


I have put some instructions together and just hope that I have got them in the right order. It's quite fiddly making something and photographing it at the same time.
Cut a piece of light brown paper/light card 27 cm x 18 cm and draw lines with a thick brown felt tip pen.
Turn the card/paper over and  put a line of double sided tape (or glue) along one long and one short edge.
With striped side facing up roll the paper/card to make a cylinder.
And then flatten the bottom end.(see below)
To complete the carton/bag squeeze it together in the opposite direction to the bottom of the bag (I hope that makes sense) to form a triangular shape.
Now, is the time to fill your bag with humbugs.
1 (9)
When bag is filled, glue the two sides together and hold in place with a few clips until well stuck.
All that’s left to do now is decorate it with a tag or label.  I’ve just done a bit of mat and layering, with my own handwriting and sprig of holly.
I am really pleased with how it’s turned out. 
You could put sweets, toys and a motto/joke and make these in Christmassy colours as an alternative to crackers or as a different sort of goodie bag for children’s parties.


  1. That is fantastic!!! I love it x

  2. Such a great idea and just like a jubbly too!

  3. I was shown how to make these a few months ago ...aren't they fun ... they can be used for tiny pressies too ... but I LOVE your humbug take on them. Now ...what other phrases could be used for other sweets ?????

  4. These are fun, I keep meaning to make some but I do love your jumbo sized idea. My Dad traditionally starts saying Bah Humbug around mid-November and it's tradition for us to get him something Scrooge related for Christmas, the dvd, a black Santa hat... you get the theme ;)I know what he'll be getting this year :D

  5. What a great project! Thank you for sharing!

  6. This is such a lovely idea - and what a great suggestion to use them as an alternative to christmas crackers - we are going out to a rather posh hotel so crackers are not the in thing there - will have to do some of these and take them with me! Such a great idea - thanks for the MOJO!

  7. These would be fab as table gifts in Christmas colours. Thanks for the idea.

    Toni :o)

  8. I made these last year for the men's table gifts on Boxing Day - they loved them. Thanks for the reminder on how to make them.

  9. Hey - I just stumbled on your blog after googling for "sweetie bags"!! I am so pleased I found you - what a wealth of tips and ideas!! Thanks for sharing it all - will pop back often!

    Big hugs,
    Caryn xxx


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