Friday 16 October 2009

Shocking Stocking Baby Doll!

What can I say, sewing is not my forte!
Stocking Baby
This doll comes from a book called Dolls Children Can Make by Shelia McGraw.  He's made from a babygro, and a pair of sandal toed tights, plus stuffing, a little wool and a couple of googly eyes.
Stocking Baby 2
In the right hands he could look quite cute!.  But because of the delicate nature of the tights used for the head, once you have made the stitches for the mouth, that’s really it, every doll gets a unique expression!  Mine is simply very worried!
This Christmas I am going to try and make a couple more, but I have bought the tiniest babygros I could find this time, for much smaller dolls.
Can I stress that these dolls are not for children, the eyes are stuck on and could be swallowed.  I have only made these dolls for adults as a bit of fun.


  1. He is a little SCAREY lol ...a bit like the cabbage patch ones.

  2. Yes this is very scary Helen, child of Chucky maybe?? xx

  3. awww this is fantastic. I come onto your blog every day to see what fantastic ideas you have posted. Keep up the good work.

  4. This is such fun! I think perhaps he needs his nappy changing!!!

  5. I used to have an English teacher....she sucked extra strong mints all the time.....youmust have met her!!! How fun! He's fab. How time consuming!!

  6. This made me laugh so much, it reminded me of my old bat of a stepmother, long gone, thankfully!


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