Wednesday 18 November 2009

Mini Christmas Chocolate Bars

Picture 233
The mini chocolate bars used for this idea are exclusive to Tesco, four very small bars cost 60p (I think that’s right).  As soon as I saw them, I wondered if I could “recover” them!Picture 228
I used the original wrapper as a template and chose a light weight paper so that it would wrap round the chocolate easily.Picture 229 I have then embellished the new wrapper with Accessorize stickers.Picture 230
The snow is my own doodling using a white gel pen, with a tiny sprinkling of micro glitter. Very fiddle farty, but cute!
Oh, just in case you wondered like me ..... I did think perhaps the chocolate may have been made in an animal type mould  .... if they had, I wouldn't have used them, but the chocolate is divided into three plain pieces, perfect and tasted ok too!


  1. Lovely idea - shop in Tesco too - will check em out - thanks for showing the originals! Mind you - may have to check that they are plain and not patterned for myself! LOL

  2. Have you visited Tescos Christmas dept yet? So much cheap goodness ripe for altering :D

    Love these, will look out for them on my next trip.

  3. Perfect. I bought some (loads) of the teeny stickers in Paperchase last week....just in case. So am thrilled tha tyou've come up with this fabbie idea. Fiddle fart to you, treasure to me!

  4. Really very much innovative!!... sooooo cute!...


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