Monday 2 November 2009

Mistletoe Card

Picture 086
I can’t pretend that stamping is my forte, it has to be very simple, quick and easy or I lose patience.  But I  have to admit to a terrible habit of buying stamps when I see a lovely design and then putting it in a drawer, where it is often forgotten for years!  So I have set myself a little target to stamp more often so that I can say I have used at least some of my stamps.
Picture 084
I love mistletoe and this stamp is from Woodware designed by Francoise Read (FRH007 Tapestry Mistletoe),
All I have done is stamp it with black Stazeon, coloured it  with an olive colour whisper pen and then washed over it with a water pen to dilute the colour a bit.  I have used flat backed pearls for the berries, and a light dusting of Hero Arts hologram glitter to give it a frosty effect.


  1. So simple but very, very effective. Love it!

  2. I like it :) I'm the same with stamps - often avoid them

  3. Lovely simple card. What I did for my rubber stamps was to make a book that had all my rubber stamps stamped onto the (blank) pages to remind you what you've got. Works for me! :-)

  4. Helen - this is stunning - love those pearls! xxx

  5. Best reason to buy a stamp - coz you like the image. Better then, use it! Lovely card - agaiN!


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