Monday 30 November 2009

Advent Calendar Crafts

Both of the Advent Calendars I have made this year disappeared very quickly when I put them in the staffroom, I made 20 mini and 8 chalkboard ones, but tonight I have found myself making one more of each.
Advent calendar 2
I had to laugh because I had to consult my own blog for instructions on how to make the mini advent calendar! A friend said to me on Friday that her daughter had taken one look at hers and had swiped it for her student digs and now she didn’t have one!
Picture 328
I know I always harp on about the great craft stuff you can find in Poundshops, but I have to admit to being very disappointed with their stickers this Christmas. These chipboard 3D stickers were on sale last year and again this year. I may be being fussy but they are a little too American for me, especially with the Happy Holidays and Believe phrases, but I got a couple of packets just in case…..
Picture 323 
And I am glad I did, because I have used them tonight to make another Advent Chalkboard (see October achive)
Snowman Closeup
The snowman was a perfect substitute for the original snowman. Now all I have to do is find a use for each of the other stickers.


  1. I love the chalkboard, great

  2. Helen... I have just come back from four days away and after checking my emails, this blog and Mum's monkey were what I had to check out, to see what I had missed. I had a thought that you ought to print a book about Mum's monkey, straight from the blog. Children would love it. I am sure Jan could help you.

  3. I want 2 of those mini advent calenders!! please make me 2 :)

  4. Love 'em..clipboard one really appeals to me - am a bit of an office stationery junkie I think!! And take Chris G's advice..I agree!

  5. They are so fab and have made me remember that I was going to make a mini advent calendar for my boys and I haven't yet so best get cracking!!!


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