Monday 21 December 2009

Chocolate Christmas Spoons

This is a very simple last minute idea ….  and not a piece of card or flat backed gem to be seen ……!
choc spoons 1
The teaspoons are from a Poundland pack, where else?  I have then drawn very rough holly leaves and berries on the handles using Sharpie pens
 empty choc spoons
I added melted chocolate to the spoon bowl with a few white chocolate stars….
 choc spoons 3
And then packaged them up when set; the single spoons in a cut down pretzel bag (from E-bay)  and the pack of three in a cut down narrow cello bag with a green ribbon finishing them all off.


  1. wqw ... this is so clever expensive to buy ready done for stirring hot choc

  2. Wow - were do you get all your fab ideas from!!! They look great!

  3. Really effective yet so simple too... your Christmas sweetie gifts are brilliant!

  4. They look delish! I would love one to stir my hot choccie with x

  5. OMG what a great gift idea. I'm just wondering if you suffer from insomnia with all these fab ideas floating around in your head!


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