Wednesday 30 December 2009

Desert Island Crafts – Part 6

gem drawer
This is my gem drawer.  I cannot have enough flat back gems and pearls.  Paperchase gems are the best value I have ever found at £2.75 for a pot of over 200.
cotton buds
My desk isn’t complete without cotton buds for tidying up blobs of glue and an assortment of mini pegs for keeping boxes together while the glue dries.
This is my stock of white and silver card.  They are directly to my right when I sit at my desk so that I can select what I want easily.
I get all my white and cream card from The Papermill Shop online in a Megabox, usually in white or ivory linen.  I get through at least 4 boxes a year!
I cut all my own card blanks so that I can can get just the right size for my envelopes.


  1. can i just say i love your dessert island crafts posts , so keep them up giving me ideas of what i need

  2. Thanks I'm looking for smooth bright white card so I think I'll check out Papermill

  3. How organised are you!! It takes me half the day finding what I want to start a project and by the time I do.... Its time to get back to feeding my tribe..... Note to self must get more organised..

  4. I am also a fan of the papermill mega boxes - I love the fact you get money off for re-using the box.

    I was wondering where you got your envelopes from? I am always looking for decent quality square ones esp. in a range of colours?


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