Sunday 6 December 2009

Jewelled Christmas Wreath Card

Christmas Wreath Card 1
Hmmm, I can’t say that  I like the stamp I have used for this card that much. It was only 99p and is by Zap! Scrap, found in one of those tubs they have in craft shops. It’s been in my stamp drawer for ages, I bought it on impulse and after stamping with it once  decided that the design was not delicate enough for what I had in mind.  I love Christmas wreaths but as of yet haven’t found one I really like.
Close Up Wreath card
After stamping, I have coloured it in quite roughly using three different shades of green from my Whisper pens.
Picture 275
I have then cut it out and mounted it on the card using foam pads to give it a lift. I have finished it of by adding lots of very small red and clear flay backed gems, which was very fiddle farty.  I am not sure about the micro glitter I added to the bow. Anyway i will stick it in my card box and see if it goes.


  1. I like the colours you've used on the stamp. I think it works well, even if it's not quite what you wanted.

  2. It will go - this sketchy informal style is really popular.. I like it. Try it gold on dark green or red card and jsut add clear;s yummy..I would ocnsider it a real good bargain! Funny how we all differ!


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