Friday 22 January 2010

Happy Birthday To Me

It’s my birthday! 
…… And I’ve just got to show you the card my sister made me.  Look at the mat and layering – I have taught her well!
I have a feeling that she might set up a rival crafting blog to mine with video tutorials!!!! 
I just love the way she has matched the background blue of the photo and Sir Alan’s tie to the blue of the card.
Why a picture of Sir Alan?  I love him with a passion, I even have a framed picture of him on my desk at work! I desperately want to be his Apprentice!
Oh, I forgot to say, inside it says " ......fifty two today" !!!!!!


  1. Ha ha brill card. Happy Birthday to you, it was mine yesterday, fellow Aquarian :)
    twiggy x

  2. Happy returns! You share your day with my darling husand and his brother...and they aren't twins!
    Hope it's a fun one for you.

  3. Have a great birthday from me too, qwiksave. Not sure about wanting to be an apprentice though! :O Good card though.

  4. Happy Birthday, Hope you have a good one.
    Love Lesley.
    I just love your Blog!!!

  5. Happy Birthday Helen, hope you have a fabulous day xx

    I love your blog too, I find it very inspiring it also makes me smile:) x

  6. Hey Happy Birthday to you xx
    Its mine on Sunday so I will be snuggling in the duvet all day cos I really dont want to be 47 :(
    Have a great day Helen & loving your blog (& monkeys!!)

  7. Happy Birthday Helen, have a lovely day. xxx

  8. Happy Birthday Helen. You sure have taught your sister well. I visit your blog every single day and am truely amazed at some, no all, of your creations.

  9. Oh how great would you be on the Apprentice? They all trudge around all day doing stuff and you would nip in Poundland and come up with something you made saving him THOUSANDS! How could he refuse you?

    I love that card - so funny! Happy Birthday :o)

  10. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!
    Hope you are having a fabby day x

  11. what a super card...and what a lovely sister!

    happy birthday!

  12. Many Happy Returns Helen - may your creativity continue you inspire us all!

  13. Oh Happy Birthday Helen... you not only inspire your sister - you inspire me too - I have actually 'borrowed' one of your ideas which I have posted today - I have credited you with the idea and put a link back to your blog. Great card by the way!!!! Well done Helen's sister.

    Paula - sending birthday hugs
    x x x

  14. Happy Birthday Helen - hope you have a really lovely day.

    Yes would love to see you on the Apprentice!

    Thank you for all your inspiration.

  15. Happy Birthday - hope you have a lovely day

  16. Happy Birthday.....hoping your day is wonderful. This is a wonderful card from your sister.

  17. Happy Birthday! I hope you have had a fantastic day!

  18. AWW..Happy Belated Birthday Hun xx
    Hope you had a lovely

    Your card is fab hun...and well done to your friend xx

    Big Hugs Clare xx


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