Monday 25 January 2010

Heart of Pearls.

I love pearls.  They are so clean, subtle and understated.
heart of pearls

I have used an ivory linen card with gold matting for this card to match the colour of the flat back pearls.

heart of perals 2

I drew a faint heart outline as a guide and stuck the pearls down with a pva glue which dries clear.  I left a small gap between the pearls for the line to show through.

If I make this card again, I would draw the heart with a beige/mushroom coloured  fine Marvy le Plume  pen and perhaps make the heart a tadge narrower.


  1. this is a lovely card - another really simple and effective one.

    Paula x x x

  2. Clean simple and understated - stunning Hels, jealous at your even-ness of heart drawing skill!

  3. So simple but so effective. Love it :)

  4. thats so classy - would be lovely for a wedding card or even invites!!

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