Sunday 31 January 2010

Three Little Birds

How cute are these birds?
Picture 139

….. And guess where these stickers came from? Assessorize!  They are new stock and  I nearly missed them, as they were tucked up behind some other bits and pieces.  They cost £1.75 and hopefully I will get at least 6 cards from one packet.
Picture 140

I have made the branch using three punchies made with the punch below , bought at The Hobbycrafts Show  in November.

Picture 146 Picture 134

The card took just a few minutes to make.

Picture 135

Thank you all again for your lovely comments - I was having a little chuckle to myself and thought I could offer a shopping trip with me as blog candy!

Believe it or not I don't shop a lot!  I just shop fast and furious and can scan shelves for crafty stuff in seconds!  My favourite place for shopping has got to be Manchester Paperchase - last time I went, I was in there for almost 2 hours and  still went back again after I had been round the other shops!  Manchester is my once a year October treat with my sister, I just love it.


  1. I am so coming shopping with you one day - you snag some great stuff!
    The card is adorable... just so sweet :)

  2. I love this card, I've got to get myself to Accessorize!!!

  3. A really beautiful card. I would love to go shopping with you you are a bargin hunter and I like that. xx

  4. Wow! You find the most amazing things I never find bargains - I'd love to come shopping with you but no way would I be able to keep up - I'm so sloooow....

  5. Oh Helen they are very very very cute and I love this card :0)

  6. This is the first time I have left a comment on someones blog but I have to say that I love the way you have used the punched branches on this card, it's a great idea.

  7. Hi Helen, love all your cards but this one is so sweet - those birds are super cute!! I think Paperchase may be having a rush on soon?? xxx

  8. As usual, i love it! Lol 2 hours in Paperchase!!

  9. As usual, i love it! Lol 2 hours in Paperchase!!

  10. Fabby stickers! I wish I was as fast at shopping as to browse too much and mentally spend money if I had loads.

  11. Another fantastic card. I have been stocking up on these little puffy stickers they are just great x

  12. Loving the birds too, they look really guilty about something! Very cute, another great card. qwiksave x

  13. Yep, you are like me, spot a bargain quick and think about the card in your head.

    Again, well done for producing a lovely cheep Card!!! Lol.


  14. I would love to come shopping with you one day. This card is too cute.


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