Saturday 13 February 2010

Felt Heart Brooches

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I had forgotten I had these felt hearts until I found them in a box on my shelves, they are quite thick and firm so I thought I would have a go at making some little Valentine brooches with them.
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The hearts are from and I have just glued them on with PVA glue.
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I added very small brooch fastenings to the back, this time using Bostick as I think it is a bit stronger than PVA.
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Then I fiddle-farted about with the packaging!


  1. They are so lovely - in fact, they look good enough to eat *lol*. I so love your creations - you're so clever!

  2. what a great idea...they look fab.
    hugs clare x

  3. OOhh these look fabulous :) ... I love them


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