Wednesday 17 February 2010

Hodge Podge of a Card

This was a weird card to make as it sort of snowballed into something completely different from what I had in mind.Picture 040
I was trying to use up some of the printed panels I had leftover from yesterday using my Stampin’ Up Fresh Cuts stamp.
Picture 019 Picture 020
I added another panel using a Hero Arts stamp – Thanks (G2679) which is of a dictionary definition of the word “thanks” and matted it on gold.
Picture 033
Next came a flower made from Prima Flowers, Hydrangea, Apricot Medley.  This is the first time I have ever used Prima Flowers, they were a gift about three years ago, and whenever I have tried to use them they have never looked right.  The brad is from Papermania.
Picture 032
The black corners looked like they were missing something, so I found a very small Chinese stamp and stamped it in gold.  I then scattered a few Preciosa crystals here and there.
Picture 034
I thought I was finished but as I took photo the middle dictionary panel just didn’t look right, it was missing something.  I tried another flower but that was too  overwhelming.
Picture 045
Then I spied the I Ching coins I had on my desk for another project, with a little black ribbon threaded through them they filled the gap.
Picture 043
This is quite a different style for me, I think all the blog hopping I have been doing recently and seeing other peoples styles has rubbed off on me a bit.
After I wrote this post I fiddled some more ………….
Picture 046
And tried the design in purple …..
Picture 049Picture 051
…… I also added “flourish” above the flower, using another smaller stamp from the set. I think the design is finally finished!


  1. Oh Wow. Love how you have put the cards together. I especially like your card done in purple.

  2. What beautiful, beautiful cards. I'm so loving that stamp you've used.

  3. Lovely cards - it was good to see them come together - and they really work - love the purple one too.

  4. Love all the 'hodge podge' cards ...brilliant use of the chinese coins


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