Monday 1 March 2010

Anniversary Card

Today my husband and I celebrate our 30th Wedding Anniversary which is Pearl.  Now, I don’t think pearls are very manly – so how could I incorporate them into a card for my big burly man ………?
Pearl fish
Well, I turned them into little fish …… because one of  Andy’s many hobbies is keeping them!
pearl fish (1)
The eyes are the nail decorations I got from Poundland last week, they are just the right size, the silver bubbles are also nail heads from Rhinestones Online, the translucent micro glitter is Dazzling Diamonds from Stampin’ Up and the doodling is all mine!
As for gifts – I gave him four hermit crabs for his fish tank and he gave me a new camera.  The macro setting for close up photos is so good, I couldn’t use them, as the fish close up were disgusting, covered in stray bits of glitter, dried glue and fingerprints!


  1. Awww! Happy Anniversary Helen, enjoy your celebrations. Macro lenses are very unforgiving aren't they? Luckily we don't see as well as they do in real life! lol. qwiksave x

  2. Congratulations to the two of you....wishing you a wonderful day. You are too clever. I love these little fish.

  3. Happy Anniversary - what a clever use of the pearls...

    Paula x x x

  4. Happy Anniversary - your card is lovely!

  5. Happy anniversary helen and big burley one. I wish i had your imagination, this card is perfect for a fish fanatic.Hope your going out for a big scoff later.Di.x

  6. Happy Anniversary Helen, love your card, it's beautiful x

  7. Happy Anniversary :) I love your card, its fab x

  8. Happy Anniversary to you both, Love the way you have used the pearls, great....
    Luv Lesley x

  9. Another great card Helen,
    Happy anniversary to you both, hope you both had a great day xxx

  10. Fab card - and congrats on your anniversary, happy day!

  11. Tra-la-laaaa! Happy Anniversary! :)
    Wow... 30 years - how wonderful - I'm just coming up to 16 with my other half :)
    Beautiful card - it's really so sweet how you thought of how to incorporate pearls into this card - and what great gifts you gave to each other!
    Here's hoping you have at least another 30 happy years ahead of you


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