Monday 8 March 2010

Easter Bunny Mints

I can’t claim this is my idea, but it’s my version of something I saw while “hopping” !
Bunny Ming
It’s made using an Elizabeth Shaw Mint Crisp, a 1.5 Woodware circle punch, 2 black flat back gems and a puffy heart sticker.
Side view of Bunny Mint
Attach one punched circle to the back of the mint with double sided tape.
Cut out a pair of ears and attach them to the back of  another circle, this will be the bunny’s head, turn over and add eyes, nose, whiskers and a bit of pink to the ears.  Attach to the mint.
That’s it!  You could even add a very small white pom pom to the bunny’s back if you wanted!


  1. Fabulous goodies!! yum...yum.. xx

  2. These are great and i love your shoplifting bag!! Di. xx

  3. I just love this, I hope its ok if I borrow the idea to use on Easter Sunday.

  4. These are great Helen - need to give em a try..

    Paula x x x

  5. absolutely brilliant idea !! as usual x

  6. Brill idea once again, love them :) x

  7. oh thats a great idea, i dont have those punches, but if i drew around the mint, im sure i would get a decent circle hopefully, thankyou for sharing :)

  8. These are brilliant. Love the wee nose. Jaqui x


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