Monday 15 March 2010

Button Bag

I have far too many buttons, but what should I do with them all?
Hessian BagButton Covered Bag
Well ……… I was given this bag a little while ago, I loved the shape and as the writing was only on one side I thought it could be covered up quite easily.
I used my glue gun to stick the buttons on as I thought it would give the greatest hold.
Button Close Up
It will be interesting to see how long they last, but I only intend to use it for my holidays and light shopping duties!


  1. I love it! I love buttons! You can never have enough buttons!
    Sal. X

  2. What a lovely idea! I agree with resewn sally - you can never have enough buttons, but what on earth do you do with them all? You've solved the problem brilliantly!

  3. Fabbby, I too am a button lover must give this a try.

  4. Great idea. When i saw the thunbnail for this on my dashboard i thought you'd sat and sewn them all on! Di.xx

  5. What a good idea, I have several bags with "writing" on them, what a great way to cover it up!! I have been making knitted brooches recently and scrounged buttons off everyone I know, so now I have quite a few, I can't wait to have a play. Thanks for the idea!!
    Luv L xx

  6. I hope my mum never sees this! LOL
    It is gorgeous though... were you not tempted to sew on all those buttons...?

  7. Brilliant idea, well done. Might have to have a go myself :-)


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