Sunday 11 April 2010

Glass Tile Pendants

Well, I’ve finally made some pendants using the glass tiles I got from the US earlier in the year.  I couldn’t find the tiles anywhere in Britain but eventually found them on e-bay US, inc P & P, I paid about £18.00 for 100 tiles which I think is a bargain!.
Glass pendant tiles
I’ve seen these pendants on lots of blogs, they looked so simple to make, I just had to have a go, but please forgive me if this first batch is pants because this is my first attempt and it is very much trial and error at the moment.
Picture 075Picture 077
The first step is to apply a small amount of Anita’s 3D clear gloss finish to the back of the tile (the side with a slightly  rough texture) and apply the patterned side of an inch square face down.  If it comes over the edge, it doesn’t matter as you can trim round it and file any rough bits with an emery board.
glass tile  Picture 082
Let the tile dry and then apply a good coating of the gloss finish to the back of the tile.  You can also apply the bail with a drop of the finish too.
tile with baile Glass tile pendants
Now the bit I hate ……. waiting for everything to dry!
Butterfly glass tile pendant Glass Tile pendant blue butterfly
Naturally, me being me …..  I felt the need to fiddle fart a bit more with them ….. so I’ve added peel offs, vinyl stickers and transparent backed adhesive stickers, plus a few flat backed gems and pearls.
paisley glass tile pendant Pink fern glass tile pendant
I’m not sure how durable these extra embellishments will be, so I need to wear each of pendant for a week or so and see if the added bits stay stuck.
The bails I have used are quite small and will fit a chain – but I am looking at getting some that will fit a leather thong
Glass tile pendants
The papers I have used have just been a background, a lot of the pendants I have seen on Google use very small pictures – watch this space ……. I have a lot of experimenting to do.
I wonder if you can stamp on them?


  1. They are beautiful!!!
    I'm sure you could stamp on them using stazon at least.

  2. These are lovely - each one looks really beautiful.

    You could also use alcohol inks to mottle the glass (been trying to remember where I've seen some examples of the technique that you could have a look at). Still, with 100 I think you have plenty to play with and if it doesn't come out quite right you can always clean it off and start again LOL

  3. You have done an amazing job on these ....hard to believe that they are your first atempts... cant wait to see more. Great instructions and tips ...incase we want to have a go.

  4. These are beautiful and thanks for sharing the how too. As Angie says I can't wait to see the remainder of your 100

  5. i remember you buying these Helen and have been waiting for you to post some finished articles... Well I don't think they are pants at all - they certainly don't look it on the photos anyway. There is sooo much you can do with these - the possibilities are endless... how much do you estimate each one has cost to make, including bail etc - gloss aside as this is a stash item.

    thanks for inspiring and sharing these

    Paula x x x

  6. These are beautiful Helen - looks like you've been making them for years!! xxx

  7. They are beautiful, they look very elegant, I can't wait to see what else you come up with.

    Luv L xx

  8. These are really lovely! I would have thought the embellishments would stay on if the glue you used was strong enough.

    I think Tim Holtz does a range of glass fragments that we can get here in the UK.

    Thanks for the inspiration! :-)

    qs x

  9. So utterly beautiful - and not pants at all!
    I especially love the one with the script and butterfly... gorgeous!

  10. Hiya, could you pretty pretty please tell me where you got the bails from, all the ones I can find on ebay are either fancy or/& cost a bomb :(

  11. These are really lovely.. especially for a first go! Do you mind me asking how you did the butterflys?

  12. Hi
    Found your blog by accident, these tile pendants are lovely. I tried something similar with glass tiles, but it was fairly crappy! I'll just stick to making my wood tile ones for now (which I sell on

  13. I absolutely love these. Must try and make some myself now! Have you found a supplier in the UK yet? Love your blog. - Pootleflump x


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