Monday 26 April 2010

Looking at the Mona Lisa Card

Everyone knows by now that I buy stamps but I am not very confident when it comes to using them, and so they tend to sit unused in my drawer for ages (…..years).
Mona Lisa
Well, I loved this stamp when I saw it, it’s so different from all the Magnolia and doe eyed poppet stamps that are so popular at the moment, but I hadn’t a clue what on earth to do with it ….
Mona Lisa card
Then I had a eureka moment …..


  1. That card really made me laugh

  2. Helen, you're so funny this is brilliant. Di.

  3. Ha - love it love it! She's great - I can see her watching funny/rude captions, letting balloons float away - all sorts - butyou've really captured it here. Fab!

  4. Great card made me smile - it works really well!

  5. I love the expression on her face, just right for what you have done with her, brill!!!!
    Luv L x

  6. Fantastic !This would cheer anyone up!
    Really like your blog.

  7. You could have her looking hopefully at some mistletoe come December too!

    Ali x

  8. that is such a brilliant idea. Love your colouring on the stamped image.


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