Tuesday 20 April 2010

My Erm ……. Naff Holiday Bag!

They say it’s good to get out of your comfort zone craft wise now and again …………….. it can now be said that I have been well and truly out of mine …… I’ve made, what can only be described  loosely as a tote beach bag …… oh my life ….
Picture 035
It all started with an idea on http://dollarstorecrafts.com/  for making bags from tea towels, shortly followed by a shopping trip with Lisa http://craftfairy.blogspot.com/ – I was rabbiting on about the idea and when we were in Poundland I bought a table cover with the idea of adapting it for the tea towel idea.
Picture 029 Picture 034
Needless to say the table cover has been in my cupboard ever since ….. until last weekend, when the sun was shining and my thoughts drifted to the summer …….
Picture 036
I couldn’t find the link on Dollar Store Crafts, so I just carried on regardless, cutting the table cover in half  …… I think I should have done something called boxing at the bottom of the bag (?), but couldn’t remember how to do it ……… so I stuck buttons in the middle of the flowers instead!
Well, I tried and I will use it – but next time I think I will just buy a beach bag from Primark!!!!
The purple handles came from a length of strapping I got from Penkridge market – lovely colour.


  1. You're so funny - love the design of the material you used and I think this just shows your initiative at using something for another purpose (if you know what i mean?!). You could keep it in your craft room and put things in it or give it as a gift or with something in it... you're far too hard on yourself - we're always our own worst critics.

    I think its pretty

    Paula x x x

  2. I think it is totally stunning. Well done you I say :-) I popped over to the 'dollar store crafts' Wow - Love it! I will be adding it to my favs. I found quite a few tutorials for the 'tote bags' made from 'Dish Towels' that is what the americans seem to call them - Not sure if that will help you in your quest in looking for tutorials on the dollar store craft site?
    Carole x

  3. To sort of quite Pooh: a useful bag toput things in - it's cheerful, got big handles and so what if it isn't boxed!! I like it!

  4. Love it! And your so right about getting out of your comfort zone...which i found i loved the over the easter hols...instead of cards i made gift boxes instead..and love it.
    A sewing machine is still on my wish list...and after seeing your gorgeous bag..its gone to the top!
    And the material you used..is the same as my apron ive got...lol
    and what a great idea using tea towels TFS i think these will sell like hot cakes if your still doing your summer fair stall??
    Hugs Clare xx

  5. Don't be so hard on yourself - it looks fab! But a little tip I've just learnt (as I'm currently trying to teach myself how to sew!) is to iron at every stage - it really does make a difference! And if you can grab a copy of the new Cath Kidston book Sew! then the instruction for a tote bag are really easy to follow.
    Karen Rel


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