Thursday 20 May 2010

Bargains of the Week ….. from Accessorize

I am not sure that these are really bargains at £1.75 per pack but they are lovely, and any cards I make using Accessorize stickers just fly out of the box, these are three new designs I haven’t seen before …..
 Accessorize Russian Doll stickers Accessorize Heart Stickers
Accessorize Cat Stickers


  1. Hi Helen, I thought you might like to know I bought some heart stickers from Wilkinson's yesterday, the pack is twice the size than the ones from Accessorize and they were 97p per pack! They may be slightly bigger though?? I hope this info is useful to you?
    Luv L x

  2. Aww.. some of those cats look so sad! Still cute though :)

  3. i saw these - i got the japanese dolls n stuff and the giraffes and tigers and little animals... you inspired me with your previous cards - i didn't read this til I came back!!!

    Thanks for all your inspiration.

    Paula x x x


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