Thursday 27 May 2010

Blog Award - boring bits about me, bulked up with a few of my favourite pictures that I haven’t had a chance to use ……. until now ……..

I have to confess that though I am always thrilled to bits to receive a Blog Award, I feel awful that I don't usually publically accept them, I am not being ungrateful or offish, it's just that they take a bit of time to do and I am always short of time and  I hate to do things half cock  ..... but I have decided that from now on I must acknowledge and link to my award giver because they have taken time and thought to nominate me  ..... and then in return I will share a little about myself  .... but I hope you don't mind if I don't pass the whole award on …….
Dummies in a window
Yesterday, I was  really chuffed to have an award from Jenny who writes a brilliant blog, which I often hop to - . Jenny got the award from Suzy , this is a new blog to me, but one I will be following from now on.
Picture 294
I get up at 5.30 each morning to do all the paperwork, accounts, etc. for our central heating business. I leave the house at 7.30 to get to my very busy, full time job as a Departmental Assistant at a “top” girls school, finishing at 5.00pm, so  you can  guess that I  am   pretty knackered, a trifle fatigued, by the time I get home ……………. but that’s boring stuff really …….
I love to take pictures of my husband pondering …….. this is on Chesil Beach last Whitsun …. and as I LOVE stones ….. what a BRILLIANT place …. there are millions!
I live to craft …… I tend to do most of it at the weekend and blog in bulk (which seems a bit like cheating, I know), but that way I don’t have the pressure of having to think of a new idea every day when I get in from work …… that would be pure madness and my blogging career would soon be over.  I guess I come up with 5/6 ideas per weekend, and always have my “ideas” book with me, even on holiday, just in case inspiration strikes.
lucy Lou
Our daughter is called Lucy, so this boat name caught my eye ….. we called her Lucy because as soon she was born she opened her wonderful blue eyes and had a good look around ….. Andy said ….. “Lucy in the skies with diamonds, the girl with kaleidoscope eyes”
In the past I didn’t keep a record of the things I’ve made, that is a HUGE regret, but since starting this blog in August 2009 that has all changed, now I blog everything.
Antony gormley head
I guess, secretly, I would like to be “discovered” and work full time in crafts. I would love someone to take me under their wing and guide me.  I have never done art properly, but think I could,  if I knew where to start, at the moment I just codge, do my own thing and it always seems to turn out ok ….. but I think I could do better.
If I hadn’t been born a human, I would have liked to have been born a mermaid …… then I could stroke fish!
I also write a second blog, “Mums Monkey”,  I started it about three years ago and then it sort of fizzled out until a lovely lady called Sarah found it, goodness knows how and e-mailed asking me to write some more ……. it really seems to have caught on, in 9 months he has had over 14,000 hits.  It’s a daft idea but I just like the way he looks at life because even the simplest thing is BRILLIANT and a  joy to him! I think the character of Monkey is based on my son when he was a little boy …. he thought a lot too!
another place 1
Other boring bits about me …… I love stones, glass bubbles, birdcages, nests, pearls, fish, fountain pens, bleached wood on beaches, wooden balls (??), wooden hearts, lanterns, fairy lights, my Chimes of Kyoto, linen/cotton scented candles, crabs, handmade paper, Jose Murinho, Lord Alan Sugar, Keith Richard, and sweets, except for jelly babies and Starburst type ones.
Picture 029
I don’t much like broad beans or the feel of wooden lolly sticks.
I hope I haven’t bored you too much!!!!


  1. great post, thanks for sharing. i have to say the monkey blog is one of my faves, it is in my google reader and it makes me really smile.

  2. wow Helen - after all this time - and you being one of the first blogs i followed - you've revealed more in one post than ive learned in 5 months since I discovered blogs...

    Great to see you in the top 5 blogs - nothing less than you deserve (hope thats the right saying) - anyway - you know what I mean!!!

    Paula x x x

  3. I cannot believe you only started this blog 9 months ago, you have achieved so much! I completely look up to you, yours was one of the first blogs I discovered that got me into crafting and blogging. Its great to learn more about you, you have been very mysterious up until now which I think is brilliant, it makes the readers minds wander imagining who is the face behind the blog.
    I check your blog everyday and everyday without fail there is a new crafted item posted up at like 12.05am (thats when I'm usually posting mine from the day before!) your so dedicated. I wish I could think of loads of things to craft at the weekend and bulk blog like you do but inspiration and ideas isnt my forte!
    Anyway, I just thought I'd let you know how fabulous you are, I hope you dont mind :D

  4. Thanks for sharing. I love your blog and Monkey's too but don't very often get time to leave a comment, but felt that today I couldn't just read and run. Yours and Monkey's blogs are the first ones that I look at each day and Monkey never fails to put a smile on my face. I am just starting out in blogland myself but have a long way to go to match your blog.

  5. Thanks for sharing your interesting 'behind the scenes' insight and for creating two wonderful blogs! This award is very well deserved!

  6. Helen - yours is one of the few blogs I check every day. I love seeing your world through your blog and your crafting/fiddle fart abilities are amazing! Sprinkling it all with your humor adds fun and interest every day. Thank you for your dedication to keeping your readers istructed, informed and interested. My best to you from Minneapolis, Minnesota USA

  7. Wow - thank you for sharing - you are so talented - I wish I could think of half the things you do and me and the boys love monkey my hubby cant understand why I leave comments for a monkey!! He just doesnt get it - thank you again and please dont stop xx

  8. Great post, thanks for sharing.
    I love monkey, he makes me smile :)


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