Wednesday 12 May 2010

A Quandary

Picture 140
I have these items on my desk, a laundry bag for putting washing powder tablets in and one of my husbands cigar tins. ….. I am sure there is something I could do with them, but at the moment I just can’t think what.
I bet Linda would make something wonderful with the tin (it comes in a double layer size too) all Tim Holtzy, that would make me sooooo green with envy.  It seems an awful waste to keep throwing them away, but I really am at a loss creatively……..


  1. You could maybe use the nets with the decoupage fishing card you made the other day? Or you could use them to house the chocolate fish you were going to make?
    You could use the tin to do a larger version of the matchbox thing?
    Hope you get some inspiration soon!
    If anyone is reading this and has any ideas of what I can do with Aptamil (baby milk) boxes and Persil Small and Mighty bottles, I would love to hear from you! Seems such a waste recycling so many when I could be doing something crafty with them! Sorry to hijack the post Helen xxx

  2. Paper and ribbons for the tin gal, no need to do the staining and inking if it's not your thing. The bag....norraclue, sorry!

  3. I just add paper to the cigar tins hun ... You can paint etc and do what you like then ... as for the laundry bag ... I still have n't come up with a plan ... but as soon as I do I will let you know XXX


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