Wednesday 9 June 2010

Aghhh …. What Have I Done?

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While hopping yesterday I stumbled upon a blog that was using a covered button as an embellishment on a card.  Hmmmm, the cogs slowly turned round in my brain, as I remembered the box of badges I made using old embroidered table/tray clothes, when I first got my Bandai Super Badge-It Badge Maker from e-bay for 99p. I later acquired a smaller version for 10p, including badge blanks, from a local carboot sale because the lady couldn't face taking it back home again!

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Well, to cut a long story short, I thought I had nothng to lose if I opened a little esty shop – starting with these four badges, to test the water. Selling and mailing in dollars has confused me greatly, I have probably made a right pigs ear of it, but nothing ventured ......

I also thought that if I have time this weekend I would have a go at adding one to a card, taking the pin off, to see what I can come up with .... perhaps, for once, I can be on trend!!!


  1. Those are a very clever and beautiful idea ...hope they go well

  2. They are very pretty, let us know how you get on.
    Good Luck
    Kandi x

  3. Aww..Hun these are so pretty..and before i carried on reading down your post..i thought to myself..these will sell like hot cakes on esty...but you've said about selling in dollars has confused why not try this can sell in pounds!
    ive opened a shop there..but not got anything in there but alot of my new blogs i follower have shops on there..and they say they sell loads on there.
    Pop over to my other blog..weekend crafter and take a look at the blogs i follow..and also take a look here(if you havn't to give you a idea....
    Hope this all helps you....and good luck and im sure you will sell loads...hope your well speak soon hugs clare xxx

  4. what a fab and pretty idear I think you may have started a trend

  5. wow Helen - is there no stopping you... You make so many fabby things, plus you have your glass pendants - I hope you are really successful and your creativeness and hardworks pays off... You will be discovered real soon... i've got my fingers crossed.

    Paula x x x


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