Saturday 24 July 2010

A Mini Book for Angela

Sorry this is a long one!
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The end of the school year is always tinged with sadness as staff retire or move on, and I have been busy making a couple of little books for the very special people in my departments who are leaving.
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This book is for my Line Manager, Angela, who was there at my interview and who I loved straight away. We have cooked together twice a week with our lovely girls ever since and when Year 11 leave to do their exams we have sewn t-shirts together.
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I tried to give the impression that I was taking pictures for the girls, but I was really trying to get silly little pictures of the special things in the classroom that made me think of Angela and the happy times we have had.
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Now I’ll let the rest of the pictures tell the story ………
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And hope they give you as little insight of how I adored working with the kindest, sweetest lady ever.
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There were another couple of pages but they are a bit too special for here.
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  1. Helen, this is such a beautiful book you have made! I think this has to be my favourite of your creations so far! I love how it is all doodles with no embellishments. It just shows how great you are at making something beautiful without it being expensive. You so deserve to be discovered! Carly xxx

  2. what a great gift! she will love it. I love the doodles too x

  3. What a thoughtful gift, she must mean a lot to you. I love the simple look with the doodles and funny sayings. When you hand it over have a box of tissues handy to mop up the tears, Angela is going to LOVE it!!!

  4. What a fabulous keepsake ... and I reckon there will be tears ... good ones ... but still tears X

  5. Helen, That is so special. You can see the time, love and effort that has been placed into your creation.
    Bet your line managers gets a tear in her eye xx

  6. What a lovely, clever, personal thing to do and to show us too. We are so privelleged that you chose to show us such an insight into your daily life. It's a fantastic gift that I'm sure Angela will treasure. x

  7. what a really special keepsake that is so personal - you can tell all your love went into making this.

    Paula x x x

    p.s. i wish you were in my cookery class at school - I was completely rubbish and was always last to finish and clear up!!!


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