Thursday 1 July 2010

A Wedding Book

A friend of a friend asked if I would make a small wedding book that could be given to the bride as a gift before the big day by her bridesmaids. They wanted it to be in navy and cream and to included the main details of the day.
These are a few of the  pages that I made using my Bind It All, various punches, and couple of sweep embellishments.
Picture 256
On the pages on the left hand side of the book I added pockets to put messages and small photographs in.
Picture 269 Picture 268
I included a small pack of blank cards for the messages so that all the papers matched.
Picture 271 Picture 272
The centre panel of the back page was decorated with two lucky sweeps but left blank for a main message from the bridesmaids.
Picture 273 Picture 276
Picture 278 Picture 279
Picture 285
I also made a box for the book.
Book Box 2 Book Box 1
Very plain and very simple because I wanted the messages that will be added to be the main feature.

Answers to Questions;-
*The font is Papyrus - I use it for most of my books and wedding cards - as it's elegant and classy.
*I've had the sweeps for years - they came in a pack of six - three of each design.  I think they came off one of those embellishment carousels they sometimes have in  The Works.


  1. Very pretty - this will be a lovely keepsake.

    Toni :o)

  2. That is gorgeous, what a beautiful and thoughtful gift.

    You really are an inspiration.

  3. When I read "sweep" my first thought was sooty and sweep! Glad you used chimney sweeps!!!!

  4. What a gorgeous book. I've been thinking of investing in a 'Bind it All' and this just makes me want one now! Thanks for the inspiration.

  5. This is gorgeous. Such a special gift to give to someone
    Suzanne x

  6. What a beautiful and special gift idea - so clever x

  7. It looks gorgeous - very classy - can I ask what font you use?

  8. Just gorgeous, can I ask where you got the chimney sweeps from?

  9. Wow - this is fantastic and something that i would like to try - i've recent bought a Cinch so itching to try.

    Paula x x x


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