Wednesday 6 October 2010

Tesco Advent House Update 5

I hope that the next time I show you what I have done to my Advent House it will be finished and that all I’ll have to think about is where to put it during Advent and what to put in it.
You know my motto is "Less is More" ...... well, that's gone right out of the window ...... but I am only going to give you a sneak peak .....
Picture 120
The roof is now longer flat and lacking ……it's embellished with hundreds of flat backed gems!!!!!  I just need to add a bit of PVA to the ends of the braid to stop it from fraying.
Picture 095 Picture 096
And I found the perfect snowmen in Hobbycrafts (£1.99 for 6)
Picture 097
I’ve also found the right glittery numbers too, but they caused me more work than I first intended.
Picture 094
Initially I stuck them straight on to the drawers, but from a distance they were barely distinguishable. So I made a small background panel for each number, aghhhh, more fiddle fart! Sorry, about the wet glue, I am just too eager to get the photos taken.
Picture 092
I love my drawer knobs, but I have found that I cannot add any more small gems, as I had planned, to the drawer front as it doesn’t look right. I’ve used gold stars which mirror the stars held by the snowmen.
So almost there, except that I have decided I need to put something on the sides of the house now…..  so more Blitzen paper, snow and snowmen …… then I’m done …. I think!

1 comment:

  1. What I love about your blog and you ... you start something and then show us how its progressing, and then the finished article. Me, I start something, think about it, faff about .. and then don't finish it LOL.


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