Wednesday 8 September 2010

Gone Fishin’ Birthday Card

I don’t do many cards for men! The themes just don’t appeal.
Picture 012
But this is a card I made for my sister-in-law to give to a friend.
Picture 014 Picture 021
I’ve used a Quickutz Silhouette download for all the parts except for the personal message.Picture 022
I was a bit frightened when I thought I had finished it because there seemed to be a lot of white space left, so I added chopboard DCWV corners, just to fill it in a little bit more!

I'm a bit excited ...... as I am starting my Halloween and Christmas ideas from tomorrow. Last year I was very ambitious and managed a Christmas themed post every day from November 1st  ..... I can't promise that this year .....but hopefully it'll be a mixed bag .... that will please everyone.


  1. Really looking forward to seeing your Christmas ideas Helen - I have been making cards all year but am stumped so far for ideas for table presents. I did your humbug 'cartons' last year for the men and they loved them.

  2. It's always difficult finding themes for male cards - like this one a lot!

  3. Ooh... yesyesyes... Christmas every day!!!!!!


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