Sunday 5 September 2010

Opening Up …Just a Little

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I know I don’t open up much on my blog, I like to keep it strictly “craft”, it was a decision I made when I first started writing, but I've decided that occasionally it would be nice to wander off the path a little, and show you some of the things I love to find and collect ….. and sometimes add to my projects.
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What gave me the idea was hopping to a new blog written by a lady who often comments on my blogs:- . What I read inspired me to think about the things that  I have squirreled away but  not looked at for a while.  Lilibet wrote about her love for wooden cotton spools – we must be kindred spirits, as I too love old sewing paraphernalia, although I very rarely sew, because it makes my gums itch and reminds me of sewing lessons at school, when all I ever did was unpick,even my tacking had to be unpicked, as a result I am always disappointed with most things I sew.
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But, I always look for old sewing boxes at carboots, people almost give them away, thinking that they are worthless when I see them as priceless treasure trove, you never know what you are going to find ….. as you can see from my pictures.
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I love the thought of shoulder ribbons and using "potato" coloured darning thread.
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And look at this wonderful receipt
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I like to ponder upon the women who’s boxes these once were, who ordered lassie, omo, vim and cake (I wonder what sort of cake it was!)
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But it was Lilibet’s comments about the cotton reels that made me think and get  my Gran’s old sewing basket out. When she died it was the only thing I wanted because this is what she used/touched almost every day for years, and years and years.
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It seemed so sad that I just keep it on the top shelf in one of my cupboards, but then I had an Ulrika moment and looked up at the empty IKEA memory boxes on my nic-nacky shelves  ………..
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................and I sorted out all the wooden cotton reels and her thimble and put them in one of the boxes.
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I am dead chuffed ...
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Thank you Lilibet, and all this happened before 9.00am on a Saturday morning! I wonder what will inspired me to fill the other boxes.


  1. What lovely photos and a memories. Thanks so much for sharing. What a lovely display of your Gran's items.

  2. what a lovely idea, I love old sewing things; I'm off to investigate the Ikea memory boxes ;)

  3. What beautiful treasures you have there Helen. The cotton bobbins have brought back so many memories from my childhood too, When I was 9 I spent quite some time in hospital and recovering at home, my mum has always been crafty and we used to make "Gonks" from old bobbins with felt bodies, fake fur for hair and felt feet, then thread shearing elastic through the middle and hang them on garden sticks (thin green ones for plants) so they could bounce up and down. I used to sell them for
    6d. I can still smell the bostik we used for sticking the bits on!!

    Thankyou for the memories :)

    Karen x

  4. Oh how I miss wooden cotton reels - I had a couple as a child that Dad had knocked 4 nails into the top of so that I could do "French" knitting.

    Your display is lovely.

    Toni :o)

  5. I love boxes like this - the pictures they create. Great cotton reels - that's when cotton reels WERE cotton reels!!

  6. lovely boxes & bits, thanks for sharing

  7. WOW! That is gorgeous. Thank you so much for sharing it :) xx

  8. Thats a lovely post. It's interesting to see the receipt too. All sorts of bits n bobs can be found in old sewing boxes. I've got one of my late Mother's too and it brings back the memories.

  9. What a lovely array of items - it looks like something Tim Holtz would like to have a rummage through! I bet you had some great ideas when re-looking at your collection too.
    I think my local charity shops need a visit again - last time I bought two huge tubs of buttons for £4.00

  10. Thank you so much for sharing this!
    I have lots of old reciepts, poems, letters and negatives as well as old sewing patterns and jotted down recipes... all from my grandparents and even their grandparents and beyond. I myself keep all sorts of bits of paper and rubbish - but if someone from my future generations finds these and has as much fun and interest looking through them as I have looking through my ancestral 'rubbish'... then the mess is worth it :)


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