Friday 22 October 2010

Christmas Wreath Card

Christmas Wreath CardChristmas Wreath card 1
Above are the original pictures
I started writing up this post and looked at the pictures that went with it and realised that the card was PANTS!  The holly leaves on the right hand side were completely out of kilter to the other side, it looked a mess …… so I started again.
  Christmas Wreath card 3
I think the second version looks a lot better (but, if I do it again, I might not mat and layer the centre but just work directly on the card blank.
Christmas Wreath Card 2 
The wreath is made using a variety of  punches, mostly flowers and holly leaves, except for the white snowflakes in the middle of the red flowers, which accentuates the Christmas theme.
Christmas Wreath card 1
I’ve used flat back gems and sets of three little dots to complete the design.


  1. Great way of making use of a variety of punches - lovely card.

    Toni :o)

  2. What a beautiful wreath. I bet that took you forever.

  3. So glad to hear that once in awhile someone else looks at their creation and says, "I need to do this over." Your card is grea and so interesting with all the different flower shapes. Whoever receives this will love it!

  4. Brillient use of punches, it looks fab :)


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