Thursday 7 October 2010

My Desk At Work

Just in case you didn’t believe me yesterday … I thought I would show you my little shelf next to my desk at work ….
My shelf at work
With Lord Sugar in the middle!!!
The top of my computer
And this is the top of my computer ….. with my lovely Poundland USB lava lamp!
My embellished glasses
And now something really silly ……. My eyesight is terrible, I wear strong contact lenses but need readers over the top of them to see my computer screen and to read etc.  These readers were from the 99p shop, I love them, but then I got to wondering what they would look like with flat backed gems stuck on  ……
My embellished reading glasses
My pictures are rubbish, but these are some of my most expensive gems in a pale olive green …… and they really twinkle! All the glasses need now is a bit of faux stitching!!!!! I really shouldn’t be left alone!!!!


  1. nice choice on the one on the end ;) mmmm


  2. How about some googly eyes on the glasses,lol. Di.x

  3. I love the idea of the gems on your glasses, thanks for the inspiration x

  4. Go on then - I dare ya!! Let's see the stitching :) Jaqui x

  5. Just make sure you dont faux stitch around you contacts!!!!!

  6. Your brain must never stop whirring! So much amazing craft stuff.


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