Sunday 24 October 2010

What’s In My Shopping Baskets

I am trying to be very careful with my money at the moment, with Christmas looming. I have most of the embellishments I need for this years cards etc.  but I am naturally holding back a little for when Poundland/Poundworld finally clear their Halloween shelves and replace them, hopefully, with a festive smorgasbord of crafty items that I can either alter or use as they are in projects.
But while I was in Poole and Bournemouth recently I found a couple of nice little items.
Picture 726
Like these Gisela Graham gingerbread man pegs, I think they were about £3.99 – but they are for me!!! I like the idea and may perhaps try and find a small gingerbread die for my BigShot.
Picture 727
These wooden hearts were reduced to 99p for a pack of 6.  I think I am going to embellish them just a little bit and use them as tags on Christmas presents.
e-bay bargains
These drawers were a sort of bargain off e-bay …. I bid £3.20 for the both of them and won – but the P & P was a bit expensive – but since I got the drawers for a silly price it was well worth it!  They are supposed to be vintage, but I reckon they were knocked up in someone’s garage, but I am still thrilled with them.

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