Sunday 26 December 2010

Celebrity Button Art Book Launch Party – 12th November 2010.
Picture 780 Picture 785
A little while ago my lovely friend Stephanie (that’s her with the lovely long red hair and cream sweater) invited me to the launch party of the Celebrity Button Art Book. Karen Gammon the artist and author was one of Stephanie’s teachers at school and does the most fantastic things with buttons.  It was a brilliant night, that gave me a lot of ideas, as well as a chance to mix with the stars of DIY SOS, Deborah Drew and Chris Frediani.
Karen sent a button attached to a card and asked celebrities to “do” a design around it.
Picture 789
I bought the book, but was fascinated to see all the celebrity contributions in the “Flesh”
Picture 793
Some were quite simple ….
Picture 806
Some must now be worth a small fortune ….
Picture 803
And some were stunning, miniature works of art.
Picture 788
It’s so hard to say which one was my favourite ……
Picture 786
But, I as I adore insect jewellery, it has got to be these two spiders by James Opasik.
Picture 787
Karen also exhibited several stunning pieces of work, that just blew my mind!
Fiddle Fart Picture 779
Picture 790 Picture 795
Picture 796 Picture 801
And the attention to detail on the guests table was not wasted on me.
Button Cupcakes Button Cupcake
I couldn’t bear to eat my tiny cake, so it’s now rock hard and on my treasure shelf in my craft room.
Buttons in a Frame
There were a couple of ideas that I would like to try in the New Year,  like these framed collections of buttons, so simple, but so effective.
Framed buttons
I just need to find a good framer …..
Picture 776 Picture 784
And finally, I love this ………..
Picture 794
Needless to say I came home buzzing …. with as many little bits and pieces as I could manage to secrete in my party bag….!!!
Picture 771


  1. Wow what a fascinating post all the stars stuff but had to say that i found the heads etc alittle scarey ...but I have to agree she is very talented

  2. How lucky were you - what a fab event to attend. Looks & sounds like you had a wonderful time.

    Toni :o)

  3. Wow! What a fab evening for a button lover such as yourself. I love buttons too and my most favourite xmas gift this year was a necklace made entirely of buttons. Look forward to seeing your creations next year.

  4. fab works of art and so good that peps sent things back to her love the cup cakes as you say its all in the detail big love marc

  5. Oh WOW what incredible work and those sculptures and just amazing!!! And how cool were the cakes - no wonder you kept yours for your treasure shelf. What a fantastic show. Jaqui x

  6. Hello – Sorry for posting on an outdated blog however I’ve only just found it and I just had to say a big ‘thank you’ for your wonderful comments re my button cakes. I can’t believe you still have yours! :-)

    I haven’t had time to read through your posts just yet, but your cards, fabric badges and other projects look amazing! Sally – aka Sally Cooks Cakes


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