Wednesday 1 December 2010

My Birdcages

I was struggling for a post for today, and thought a voyage round my craft room would be a crafty move and it has inspired a couple of questions about some of my treasures.
So for Suzanne …. you have noticed I have a thing about birdcages ….. though it’s hard to see them amongst all the squalor!!
Picture 195
I embarrassed my family when we flew back from Tunisia two years ago  with this birdcage as my hand luggage, I was so determined to bring one back, it’s gradually getting shabbier, which makes it even more beautiful.
Picture 197
This “faux” antique cage came from a craft market in Cardiff last Christmas, it was something daft like £9. Again it was a nightmare to carry through the shops, but I knew if I didn’t get it there and then, I’d never find another one.  The Gaudi lizard was a present from Barcelona from my PE Hockey Team.
Picture 198
And these two cages are night light holders and they came from a local “bargain” warehouse and wouldn’t have cost more than £2.99.
My home is fairly minimalist as I don’t have time to dust and stuff but my craft room is where I put all my finds and treasures, to sort of inspire me.


  1. I love your cages - and why not have them where they can inspire as that is surely something to enjoy as well.

    Toni :o)

  2. They are all gorgeous. Especially the first one. I saw one I liked a while back but I never got it - and yes, you guessed...I have regretted it ever since. B&Q have a gorgeous light shade one that I will now buy,lol. Thanks for this, Helen x

  3. The wings in the background are fairly fabulous too!

  4. They are very beautiful and bring back memories of my ballet class when I was about 6. We did a "Birdcage dance" and had to use an actual cage to dance around - one od these would have been very sought after!

  5. Can i just say reading your post just now reminded me of my granny,, She had one of the bird cages that you mentioned from Tunisia. She never had a bird in it so no idea why she bought it back with her.. ( Oh i forgot to say this was over 30 years ago !!) It used to sit on her sideboard. Oooh what a blast from the past that was :O)
    Choccy xx


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