Sunday 19 December 2010

On a Snowy Saturday Morning ……

I’ve been trying to get a picture of a solitary bird in a tree ever since the trees shed their leaves in the autumn, but every picture has just been pants, I didn’t think my camera was up to the task. Then yesterday morning, when I looked out into the garden I was greeted with this ………
birds in the tree
I wish I knew how to use programmes like Photoshop as I am sure I could do all sorts of wonderful things with it.
Birds 2
But for now I have just cropped a little cluster of birds from the picture and await further inspiration.


  1. Hope you are feeding them ,they really need it when theres snow down

  2. try picnik it is a free website that is REALLy easy to use and allows you to change the look of your photos, zoom, add txt etc. love your blog x


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