Tuesday 4 January 2011

My Suitcase of Crafty Treasure and Happy First Day Back At Work Favors …..

I was given a box of “crafting treasure” by a friend a little while ago and I am trying to use something from it as often as I can.  It’s so special  that I keep it all in a lovely old battered suitcase, so that its contents don’t get mixed up with my other stuff.
Suitcase of treasure
Anyway, I was looking through it and found these lovely little handbag die cuts and immediately had an idea for “little silly presents” for “the girls” to celebrate our first day back at work in 2011.
New Years Favor
First I assembled the bags, using just a bit of glue and mini pegs to keep them together while they dried. What to put in the bags I wondered ………Emergency Chocolate Rations
I knew everyone would be back on their diets and chocolate of any description would be a out of the question, but not emergency rations ….. so I covered a Dairy Milk miniature to pop in each bag.
Handbag favors
As a finishing  touch I tied on a small metal charm, also from my suitcase of treasure …… they are so cute I can hardly bare give them away now!


  1. What a lovely idea for your colleagues.

    Toni :o)

  2. What a special treat for your workmates. Such a clever idea.

  3. These are so cool!! I wish I worked with you!!!

  4. These are so cool!! I wish I worked with you!!!

  5. Helen you are one of the kindest peps i know, you always pass on your makes to others in one way or another, these are fab pratical and charming but most of all a little bag of fun your girls are so lucky but i think they know that big love marc

  6. These are so clever and what a lovely thought for a first day back at work! xx

  7. I agree with Debbie, I wish I worked with you. I would learn sooo much. Happy New Year.
    Anne x

  8. Another fantastic idea. Lovely gift x

  9. What a great idea - I would be breaking into mine very quickly! love Annie xx

  10. Aw!!!! These are so cute! I wouldn't wanna give 'em away either! Hehe....
    A very sweet idea for "the girls". :)

  11. what a brill idea - i'd love a suitcase of that kind of treasure Helen!!!

    Paula x x x

  12. These little bags are so stunning with the charms, lucky girls working with you, I love your old suitcase as well
    Tilly x

  13. I also wish I worked along side you Helen! The little handbags are great little gifts. Ah well - if I can't be your workmate then please let me know when the house next door to yours comes up for sale!

    Lynda xx


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