Wednesday 26 January 2011

What’s On My Desk Wednesday

Thank you so much for all your birthday wishes on Saturday, I thought I’d kept it under wraps, but it seems some people have been reading my profile! I had a very lovely day …. and some wonderful presents …. some of which have now found a home on my desk or in other spots in my craft room.
Jo Malone Candle
While I am crafting, I always have a scented candle burning, nothing posh ….. but oh my life …… now I have a Jo Malone candle for my desk, it smells divine ….. and all the posh bags and stuff that went with it made me go very girly …… I don’t do designer stuff, but just this once….  I will make a very gorgeous exception.
Also, while I am “fiddle farting” I’ve often got a bag of Maltesers on the go ……
Maltesers Dish
Well, now I have a beautiful mirrored dish to put them in, so much classier that the bag (or the box)!
I had some lovely craft stuff too. I really want to get into making some special pendants using Memory Frames and Memory Capsules, and now I have no excuse, though you may have to wait a little while to see the finished results, as it’s all a very new medium to me.  I was given some of the pendant trays that I’d asked about on this blog a few weeks ago …plus all the bits to go with them, I was very touched and thrilled.
And finally ….. my knitting has also found a new home in this lovely trugg, (another thing I have a passion for about!). Happy Days!


  1. Aah, how lovely! Hehe...crafting is always better with some chocolate nearby...i have a slab of top deck chocolate on my desk too, :D.

    And how nice about the candle! I have so many scented things (incense too) that are just lying around waiting to be used, i should just use 'em while i'm crafting! Good idea. :)

  2. Lovely gifts Helen and it looks like you have loads to keep you busy.

    Beautiful trug - I wanted one of those to display some of my minibooks but most of the garden centres round here only stock grotty plastic I got a basket instead.

    Enjoy all your goodies.
    Toni xx

  3. Jo Malone is the best! Their candles and perfume are amazing. Happy belated birthday. x

  4. Oh wow, Jo Malone candle - will you actually light it???? Lovely things there - Happy Belated Birthday - some lovely goodies there - enjoy xx

  5. happy belated birthday, you aquarians are so 'arty farty'! maltesers are my fave too, but i've started buying the mini bags - cause if you open a big bag ..... oh, it's pig out time ... hee, hee.... enjoy!

  6. cant wait to see what you do with every thing and i to am on the look out for old watch parts to do some new bits if i see any old keys on my travels i will think of you have lots of fun and burn the candle thats what its for after a while they will lose that lovely scent things should be enjoyed while you can enjoy them big love marc

  7. What beautiful gifts you had for your birthday, love the 'malteser tray '
    Tilly x

  8. Lovely birthday pressies - especially the Malteser dish. glad you had a great birthday. Elizabeth #60

  9. What fabulous gifts - happy belated Birthday! x

  10. WOW Helen! What a lot you got. **Happy birthday** for last Saturday. Please don't apologise for the triple show of cards. It just shows how different they can all be with the same idea. I for one love to view anything that you make. You are an inspiration to us all. TFS. ~Glen~


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