Monday 14 February 2011

Happy Valentines Day with an Huge Apology

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I FEEL I REALLY MUST APOLOGISE ..... I get quite a few e-mails presenting me with Blog Awards ..... and though I LOVE receiving them, I tend not to accept them because with writing two blogs with posts that usually include a lot of photography each day, I just don't have the time to meet the criteria these awards tend to set out ..... I feel awful, but I hope you will understand xxxxx
Button heart

However, as most awards require the recipient to reveal something about themselves (and I tend to be quite secretive), I thought I'd show some of things I have in my Craft Room that inspire me .......
String of Wooden hearts
I was looking around and realised that I have quite a few hearts scattered here and there…and what better day to share a few with you, than today …..
heart on my noticeboard
I made this button heart years ago, it’s looking very rough round the edges now, but I can’t bear to throw it away.
Picture 1062
Some hearts I have bought on little shopping trips to new places, this laser cut heart is a reminder of a visit to Southport and Chester this time last year.
Picture 1064
This resin heart was in a parcel from a very special friend.
Picture 1067
And I love, love, love, these heart pendants and other jewellery made by Mary at - I’ve ooooohed and aghed at her lovely stuff at the Christmas Gift Fair that is usually on with the HobbyCrafts Show at the NEC in November for several years now, but so far I only possess a postcard ….. mainly because I just can’t decide which one I like best!
Picture 1063
This heart was found in a gift shop sale at the beginning of the year ….. I wish I had bought a couple more now …….  typical!
Picture 1068 Picture 1070
It’s a little heart shaped glass pocket, you can put a little message in, as the paper heart opens up into a flower. I love it.
Wooden Heart Shaped Box
This wooden box has been with me for at least 45 years, it was to given me by a boy called Gerald O’Connor when we were at Infant School in Smethwick!
Picture 122  Picture 121
Anyway ….. enjoy your mooch round my craft room …..
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Wooden Heart DishPicture 125
xxxx Happy Valentines Day xxxxx
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Occasionally I get comments on posts from several years ago, again, I have to apologise, copies of TEMPLATES etc. that I once offered are now NO LONGER AVAILABLE, when my last computer died, I lost everything and decided not to replace any them.