Sunday, 13 March 2011

Framed Primark Roses …. But Which Is Best?

Do you remember these large rose bracelets I got in Primark a few weeks ago? They are very much on trend and roses like this are appearing everywhere. They remind me so much of my Gran.
….. Well,  I went into a local charity shop and found just what I was looking for to use them with, a deep set picture frame for just £1.95.  I removed the paper rose and background paper that were already in it, and started to play.
Primark large rose bracelet Primark pink roses bracelet
But now I can’t decide which idea I like best, so I’d better start scouring the charity shops again for another frame so I can make both.
I think the frame might benefit from a bit of shabby chic paint work, but I need to do some research on   how to do it, then when I’ve done that I’ll post the idea again, finished I hope.


  1. oh well done Helen looks gorgeous!!!

  2. I like both of them for the frame how about crackle glaze see you tube (useing PVA) or you could decopage the frame in the same paper as the back ground may be age the music one with a bit of cold tea/coffee or a disttresed ink pad big love marc

  3. they are both beautiful, i adore the cream rose one so much. Wilkinsons have square small and large deep frames really cheap. I hope this helps you x x x

  4. I love the cream rose/brown BP and think the frame is perfect as it stands. The pink rose/white BP isn't quite right - I think it's the backing paper is the wrong colour? Great idea anyway and can't wait to see wht you decide to do.

  5. I like the cream and brown best too (the musical paper detracts a bit from the flowers). Another fab creation from you Helen.

  6. I'm another for the cream roses but I think the pink would have workrd on an 'aged' piece of music paper

  7. These are fab, I never would have thought of making some art out of them! Personally I pop mine in a cream kinda shabby chic frame but that's it!

  8. Love them both, but would say my fave would be the one on the left (the brown one!).
    Joanne x

  9. These are really beautiful - I just love them


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