Saturday 26 March 2011

HobbyCrafts Birmingham NEC

Guess where I am today?  I didn’t intend to go as I am having a real cull on my crafty spending, but when I was given two free tickets, what could I say?  But, I am going to be very thoughtful about what I buy, as I have stuff I oooohhed and aaaaahhed over on past visits that still remain unused, which is silly!
Picture 740So I will be looking for E6000 and Crafter’s Pick glues, Kath Kidston type papers, some jump rings for my Creative Expressions memory frames, small flower and leaf punches, finely corrugated card for boxes etc. and then perhaps I will have a look at the knitting stuff, as I have a passion at the moment to knit a bag …. something like this perhaps?


  1. Like you, I wasn't planning to got but had 2 free tickets. Went yesterday and spent far too much but had a great time.
    Hope you found some nice goodies!

    Crafty Creations by AJ

  2. That bag looks like an interesting project - hope you find what you want to be able to make one - have a fun day.

    Toni :o)

  3. I went several years ago and spent far too much money!
    Have a good time x

  4. I was there on Sunday too but didn't see you - it was rather busy!!

  5. if you havent got time to knit that bag go to local charity shop buy a old jumper cardigan and use that with a bit of creative sewing i am sure you could make one big love marc


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