Monday 21 March 2011

My Easter Baskets and Flower Pot Conundrum

I bought these baskets for 10p each from a car boot sale last summer.  As soon as I saw them I thought Easter!
Easter Baskets 
But after adding flowers round the top, it soon became clear that to fill them with good quality chocolates etc. would cost me a fortune, so I thought I would put them in the staffroom at work as they are for people to fill themselves, for Mothers Day, Easter, Birthdays etc.
Easter Egg baskets
I’ve also had these miniature flower pots and baskets in my craft room for years and years but this year I am determined to use them ……
Easter Flower Pots
But you can see that they are such awkward sizes, a cream egg is a bit swamped in the larger pot, although I know I could use a bit of tissue paper to pad it out and the small pots are too big for wrapped mini eggs.  I guess that’s why I haven’t used them after all this time. So I will be carrying one of each around with me to see what I can find to fit them! Unless someone has any other  suggestions……….


  1. Love the likkle baskets :-) I am sure they are going to be snapped up in the staff room. Cannot think at this moment in time ideas for the pots .. well not sweetie based - how about mini floral arrangements? New/clean Flower pots make great moulds for baking bread - how about making mini bread/other bread based items such as panettone .. Not much help am I !!
    Carole x

  2. Looking so simple Edible, you can decorate them just like Edible Arrangements.

  3. Hi Helen
    You could maybe decorate them like you have with the baskets and sell them with little packets of seeds? These could be good as kids pressies (tomatoes and sunflowers) or for Mothers Day (roses) etc xx

  4. You could try paper flowers made from seed paper,beautiful to look at and then you can plant them and have the real thing too.You can buy or make the paper with plenty of seed options.

  5. What about making a birds nest out of shredded paper, laying it on top and then put a few mini eggs in? Love the little baskets!

  6. For the flower pots you could stuff the pot with something, then get some chocolate lollies and put sunflower faces on them and stand them up in the pots. You can put as many lollies as you like into the pots. You could then put some ribbon round the pots.

  7. I've made cute little pin cushions out of mini flower pots in the past, they were quite sweet with a ribbon around them and some buttons for decoration! XXX

  8. I agree with Kris they make beautiful pin cushions.If I can find a pic of the ones we made with our Brownies I'll forward it to you.


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