Friday 29 April 2011

Royal Wedding Card – Fit For The Future King And His Bride!

This card measures 5 ins x 5ins and is made using white linen effect card and M & S mini gingerbread people!!!!
Picture 007
It’s sad but sometimes I make myself laugh and this card is so silly I just couldn’t help it!
Royal Gingerbread men
This pack of mini M & S gingerbread people has been sat on my desk staring at me and daring me to make something with them for a couple of months now. Then I had a Ulrika Moment ….
Royal Wedding
And came up with this …….. just right for today!

Thursday 28 April 2011

Royal Wedding Badges

I Love The Royal Wedding badges
Well ……. I had to make something to celebrate the Royal Wedding …..

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Father In Laws Birthday Card

Picture 038
This card is probably in very dubious taste, which is why I have left it a few months before posting it.  The weekend of my Father In Law’s birthday there was a gas explosion in our village, as it was right next to his drive, his fence was seen on national and local tv that night and in the papers the next day.
Picture 039
It was a BIG explosion …… but lovely Colin knew nothing about it until the police went round to the doctors to get his number to phone to see if he was OK!

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Easter Monday Bargains

Yesterday we nipped over to a local Bank Holiday car boot sale and market and then to our own Village Fair  I didn’t go looking for anything in mind, but I was dead chuffed with what I found…..
Craft Cotton
….. like this craft knitting cotton ….. I’ve been after some for a couple of years now, as I’ve fancied knitting dishcloths as a funny yet practical sort of present for several Christmas’s now (I’ve even got some “knitted by …..” labels to sew on ready!)  So no excuses now, 4 x 100gram balls cost me £2.50 (I haggled a bit), which I think was a bargain.  I’ve cast on 25 stitches on (old) size 3 needles. I’ve done a bit of research on Google and there are whole websites solely for dishcloth knitting patterns, but I’m just going to work a loose garter stitch square to start with.
Picture 137
This small embroidered tablecloth cost me £1.50 after another bit of haggling. The cloth itself is quite discoloured, but the stitching is exquisite, so I am going to risk washing it gently by hand, but do you think it would be sacrilege to cut it up to use as panels on a cloth bag  and/or making it into cloth badges/buttons?
Picture 138
This deep picture frame may prove to be a bit of a pig in a poke ….. unfortunately the cardboard frame has writing on (the names of the flowers), I am hoping it will paint over in cream, and then I want to make little panels with punched butterflies in each space ….. but it was only £1 and I am if that idea doesn’t work I’m sure I can do something else with it.
Picture 139
Finally at our village fair I found this unopened box of wooden building blocks for £1 – there’s 48 blocks in all and I’m thinking that this sort of thing is quite popular as home decor at the moment ….. do I paint them in pastel shades …. or leave them as they are .  I think I would like to spell friends name out with them …. but it’ll take a bit of time to work out how I can maximise the number of names or words I can get from the one pack.

Monday 25 April 2011

Bird On A Branch Card

This card measures 13cm x 13cm is is made using a ribbed effect kraft card.
Stampin Up Bird Punch Card
I thought I would try something a bit different, as I have never punched a shape out of a card blank before. I made the circle out using my 1 3/8” plain Stampin Up punch and then covered over it on the inside of the card with a blue Bazzill paper.
Stampin' Up Bird Punch
The bird was punched using my Stampin Up 2 Step Bird Punch (117191)  from  brown card and the wing from a remnant from the card blank. I’ve then added a blue flat back gem for the eye to finish the card.
Picture 725
This is a design I will use again and again, as my first attempt it is rather austere, but it wouldn’t take much to brighten it up by changing the colours of the cards and papers used and perhaps adding a flower or two.

Sunday 24 April 2011

What’s In My Posh Sweetie Bowl Today ?

Limited Edition M and Ms
Well……  it wouldn’t be Easter without M & M’s Limited Edition Easter coloured peanuts and chocolate beans would it????!!

Thursday 21 April 2011

Kiss Me Frog Card

This card measures 13cm x 13cm and is made using a very rough fabric effect card that I have had for years,  it was probably from one of those Paper Cellar fill a box type displays.
I just love frogs but the thought of kissing one to see if it is really a spellbound handsome prince doesn’t really appeal, I ain’t that desperate ….. yet!
kiss Me Frog Card a
The frog was part of a huge pack of self adhesive foam frogs from Hobbycraft.  I’ve added googly eyes and a crown,  then  covered him with Ranger Glossy Accents as a successful   experiment.  The self adhesive letters are from Papermania and the lily pad and little hearts are made by using punches.

Not Such A Bargain …..

Woodworm table
I saw this very small table as soon as we drove onto a carboot sale site in Devon a few weeks back, I was determined to get it and couldn’t believe it when the man only asked £3 for it, I had visions of covering it with lovely papers or giving it the shabby treatment  …….. however when we got back to the car we discovered why it was such a bargain …..
It’s riddled with woodworm!  At the moment it’s been confined/quarantined to the garden, I think it’s going to cost me more in woodworm stuff than it cost me to buy ….. but it’ll take more than a few creepy crawlies and some pongy potions to put me off!

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Royal Wedding Card Challenge.

I've never done a challenges and only enter competitions on the rare occasion, but this docrafts challenge tickled my fancy!
I’m not going to post the card I’ve made until the big day,  but if you’d like a sneaky peak .............. but be warned, it's very silly!

Home Sweet Home Card

This card measures s12.5cm x 12.5cm and is made using linen effect card.
Picture 733
I went a bit mad with the doodling on this card!  I wanted a homely patchwork feel, but I am not too sure about the choice of colours, the Stampin’ Up pens I used were a bit darker than I first thought they were when I started colouring.  You’ll also notice that the colouring is not of Promarker standard, but perhaps it adds to the not too perfect rustic/shabby charm.

Object Humungous of Desire ……

I was on the Island of Capri this time last week!!!!!!! ….. It was truly stunning …..  and while I was waiting for a mini bus to take us round the island I saw this poster and just had to take a picture of it.
Picture 268
Have you ever seen such a BEAUTIFUL watch? Oh my life, desire isn’t a strong enough word, this is sheer unbridled LUST of a material type nature! …….. I have since done a little research  ….
It’s called the Capri Mulitijoy Watch and cost 190 euros,  about £166.72 ….. now how many cards would I have to make and sell to have this on my pudgy little wrist and can anyone translate the Italian website for me when I have saved enough?
I was in Capri on a school trip studying Classical Civilisations, so it was all work and no play …..

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Exciting News – Scrap’ n Easel

I had an e-mail this week from Marlo L Letterle, owner of ContainYa Crafts asking me if I would like to review her new Scrap’n Easel, making me the first person in the UK to lay my little mitts on this product, how exciting is that?
Scrap'n Easel
But I thought while I was waiting for it to wing it’s way from the US I’d give you a sneak preview.  I am really looking forward to seeing  how it works, especially seeing how it feels working on a slant and the potential of it’s display mode, as I am struggling getting my cards photographed at the right angle at the moment,  Embellishments etc. can be held in place by magnets allowing you to really play with a design before finally putting it altogether which is also an interesting prospect. 
I’ve added these links just in case you’d like a closer look:

Somewhere ……. Over The Rainbow Card

This card measures 12cm x 12cm and is made using a white linen effect card.
Somewhere .... rainbow card
This has got to be one of my all time favourite cards, exactly what I would love to receive and very less is more.
Somewhere Over The Rainbow Card
The background square is a lovely iridescent blue card on to which I have stuck a rainbow from a pack of Poundshop stickers. The pack was made up of princesses and castles etc. all of which I’ve used,  all I was left with were some rainbows which  I didn’t have a clue what with until I had my Ulrika moment …….
My hand was shaking as I hand wrote the “Somewhere ……” as I wanted it to be just right. Now all I need to get it in an envelope and in the post as I know someone who it’s just perfect for …….

Monday 18 April 2011

Daisy Thank You Card

Daisy Thank You card
I’m not sure about this card ….
Punched Daisy Card
The daisies are made using two different sized daisy punches, with a flat backed gem in the centre.  I think it’s too busy!

Sunday 17 April 2011

Easter Egg Flower Pot

I’ve finally done something with the little 4cm tall flower pots I wrote about a while ago.  It was a case of find an egg to fit, then decorate the pot, and finding an egg to fit was the hardest part.
Easter Egg Flower Pot
In the end I found that the hollow eggs in Tesco Egg Hunt bags were the best fit and as they aren’t covered in logos or writing, look a lot prettier than cream eggs etc.  I still had to pack a little tissue paper in the bottom, but I am pleased with the results.
I put a ribbon round the top of the pot, but don’t think I really needed to as the small punched daisies and leaves covered them up.

Saturday 16 April 2011

Birthday Wishes Card

When I started this card I intended to use a patterned background paper, but nothing looked right.  I’ve had these stickers for quite a while, they are transparent and the colours a bit wishy washy, so proved quite hard to use.
Birthday Wish card
In the end I have just kept it very plain.  The card measures 5cm x 5 cm and is made using ivory linen effect card from The Papermill Shop.

Friday 15 April 2011

Well Done for Passing Your Driving Test Chocolate Bar

Picture 722
It seems ages since I have done a chocolate bar. This one is to celebrate the passing of a driving test.
Well Done Chocolate Bar
I’ve used self adhesive foam cars found in a local 99p shop, with clear flat back gems on the wheels for extra bling. The L plates are table confetti, which I have found really versatile for various cards in the past. The handwriting is my own, which I’ve managed to squash in between the spaces.

Thursday 14 April 2011

Show Jumping Cards

Both these cards measure 5ins x 5ins and are made using white linen effect card.
Show Jumping Card 1
I don’t usually buy horsey embellishments, but I thought these foam stickers from Poundworld  looked fun, and might appeal if I added them to a couple of cards in my box at work.
Showjumping Card
I only got two cards from the one pack but I shall be very interested to see if they go.

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Easter Bunny Hot Chocolate

The card in this packet measures 13cm x 13cm and is printed on white linen effect card.
Bunny Brew
I make Easter Bunny hot chocolate packs every year and they always go down well!
Easter Bunny Hot Chocolate
I try and come up with slightly different packaging,  so this year I’ve used a bunny from a digi set called Wee Bunnies Easter (ATWH4060CU) from Scappindoodles  which only cost $1 to download. (they have a minimum download, so you may have to order a couple of sets, like I did.)
To the packet I’ve added a sachet of Cadbury hot chocolate, a chocolate lolly as a stirrer, some mini marshmallows and three chocolate chicks.  I think M & S are doing bunny shaped biscuits which could be added instead of the chicks to prevent chocolate overload!

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Monkey Merchandise

Monkey Badges
My “Mum’s Monkey” blog is slowly catching on …. so I have made some badges for small gifts/blog candy, perhaps this is the start of a whole range of Monkey merchandise!
Bandai Badge It
It may be intended to be a child's toy but my Badge It (10p from a carboot sale) is one of the coolest bits of kit I have!

Monday 11 April 2011

Simple Heart Garland Card

This card is A6 in size and made using ivory linen effect card.
Heart Garland
I’ve used tiny paper flowers that I was given and stuck them on the edge of a large punched heart, which I have then stuck onto the card blank.
heart garland of Flowers
I’ve drawn the leaves (not sure if the darker lines are really necessary though) and then added a pink bow. I was thinking that this might make a very simple Mother’s Day card.

Sunday 10 April 2011

A Card And Something To Eat?

Chocolate Bunny Card
A daft idea, I know.  I’ve  just stuck three Tesco chocolate rabbits on the front of a card with foam pads. I usually put a cream egg on everyone’s desks at Easter, but this will be something a bit different this year.

Saturday 9 April 2011

Not A Face For The Tele Just Yet!


I had a very exciting e-mail in the week from the Associate Producer of a new TV programme on C4 called Superscrimpers: Waste Not Want Not, it seemed they had found my blog and thought I might be able to contribute something!

The series is about trying to teach the general public how to be less wasteful and save their money, however after a couple of phone calls and e-mails I really don’t think I am what they were looking for.  Though I use a lot of car boot and  Poundshop “finds”  etc. for a lot of my projects, they were looking for someone who could unravel their husbands old jumper and knit toys for their children with the wool ….. which isn’t really me!  But I was dead chuffed to be asked and it’s thrilling to know that my blog has been “spotted by the TV people …..  however, I think this may be as far as it goes ….. but you never know! 

Jar Project

I love, love, love this idea ………. you’ve just got to have a look …. Kirsty the artist has inspired me soooooo much I am buzzing …. I have a little idea in my head for Christmas ….. but before I do anything with it, it’s only right that I ask Kirsty’s permission. 

HobbyCraft Easter Card Kit

I don’t usually buy card kits, but this was in Hobbycraft in December priced at £3.99 with enough bits to make at least twelve cards.  At the time I liked the embellishments and thought that as I don’t really make a lot of Easter cards, combined with the few Easter bits I already have, it was quite an economical buy.
Hobbycraft Easter Card Kit
This is my first effort, to be honest it’s pretty pants, rank amateur!!!!
Easter card
Me, bunnies, chicks and eggs just don’t gel ….  and spring colours don’t do anything for me either, funny isn’t it?  Every year I really, really try but not matter how hard, I just can’t get inspired and ideas don’t come easily to me, but at least I can say I tried........

Friday 8 April 2011

Accessorize Brooch/Pin

The Object of Desire Is Now Mine!
Remember this Accessorize Brooch I desired and obtained a little while ago, well my mum fell in love with it too.  But, where my brooch is still on my desk (but still very much admired) my mum has framed hers and it looks fantastic!
Picture 161
She has put hers in a box/shadow frame with a beautiful piece of rainbow paper and it looks exquisite. My photos really don’t do it any justice, as the light was pants when I tried to take them.
Accessorize Weather broach
Seeing what my mum has done has spurred me on to do something similar with mine, and I’ll post here when I do.

Flower Pot Place Setting

Flower Pot Place Setting d
The idea for this came from follower Anj, who left a comment saying she’d made a bouquet of flowers using Elizabeth Shaw mints and skewers …… which got me thinking …….
Flower Pot Place Setting
I’ve had these very small 3cm tall flower pots on my desk mithering  me to do something with them for ages …. then after seeing Anj’s comment I thought ….. what about place settings?
Flower Pot Place Setting a
I’ve sandwiched the mint and a purloined Starbucks wooden coffee stirrer for a stem, in between two sets of flower die cuts.  I coloured the stirrer green with a promarker and added two punched leaves. I’ve put some plastercine in the bottom of the pot to hold the flower in place. The name of the guest could be written on the pot or a small tag attached. Thank you Anj for the inspiration.