Wednesday 20 April 2011

Object Humungous of Desire ……

I was on the Island of Capri this time last week!!!!!!! ….. It was truly stunning …..  and while I was waiting for a mini bus to take us round the island I saw this poster and just had to take a picture of it.
Picture 268
Have you ever seen such a BEAUTIFUL watch? Oh my life, desire isn’t a strong enough word, this is sheer unbridled LUST of a material type nature! …….. I have since done a little research  ….
It’s called the Capri Mulitijoy Watch and cost 190 euros,  about £166.72 ….. now how many cards would I have to make and sell to have this on my pudgy little wrist and can anyone translate the Italian website for me when I have saved enough?
I was in Capri on a school trip studying Classical Civilisations, so it was all work and no play …..


  1. Did you get to go in that wonderful sparkling deep blue cave (in a boat) of the Island? That was a truly magical highlight when I went 10 years ago... or were you too busy working? :-(

  2. I love different watches yet I don't wear one. Strange I know.

  3. Unfortunatley I didn't get to the cave!!!! Too busy working!!!

  4. I can see why you fell in love with it I want one now too! Its totally gorgeous :0)

    love Clairebears x

  5. All work and no play????? I can think of no nicer place to be at work??? It must have been a real struggle? :)


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